Union Bank of India Auctions for Plot in Oulgaret, Puducherry
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:₹ 59,30,000
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Reserve Price : ₹ 5,93,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact Branch Head Mr. M Gopal Tukkappa, Mob: 8437024555, Chief Manager: D Deepa Devi, Mob. 8056159406, Senior Manager: Mr. Balakrishna N. Mob. 9642743213
Property Belonging to Mrs. Santha Ben Item No.1: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Dulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No.142/6, Cad. No. 466, plot No.2(Measuring East-West on the Northern Side 60Ft., on the Southern Side 64Ft., and North-South on the Eastern Side 34 14 Ft., on the Western side 34 Ft. in total Extent of 2130 Sq.Ft, and covered by following boundaries: East of: 20 ft.newly provided street, North of 20 ft. newly provided street, West of: Plot No.3, South of: Plot No. 1. Item No.2: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No. 142/6, Cad. No.466, plot No.1 in total Extent of 2129Sq. Ft, and covered by following boundaries: East of: 20 ft. newly provided street, North of Plot No.2, West of: Pavadai's land and Plot No.3, South of 100 ft Road. Item No.3: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No.142/6, Cad. No.466, plot No.3(in total Extent of 2059 Sq.Ft, and covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.1&2, North of: New street and Land in R.S.No. 142/11, West of: Land in R.S.No. 142/11, South of: Land in R.S.No. 142/2,142/3,142/4,142/5. Item No.4: Property No.1: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit No.39, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No. 142/6, Cad. No. 466, Patta No.277 in total extent of 1075 Sq.Ft. (Measuring East-West on the Northern Side 32.6Ft., on the Southern Side 20Ft., and North South on the Eastern Side 65 Ft., on the Western side 42.6 Ft) and covered by following boundaries: East of: R.S.No.142/6part Plot, North of: 100 Ft Road, West of: Canal and 100 ft Road, South of: Property Belongs to Mrs. Santha Ben. Property No.2: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit No.39, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No. 142/6, Cad. No. 466, Patta No.277 in total extent of 2205 Sq.Ft. (Measuring East-West on the Northern Side 111.9Ft., on the Southern Side 108.9Ft., and North-South on the Eastern Side 20 Ft) and covered by following boundaries: East of: R.S.No. 142/11 Plot, North of: Property Belongs to Mrs. Santha Ben, West of: Canal, South of: Property Belongs to Mrs. Kishore Kumar Patel. Total extent of 3280 Sq.ft Property Belonging to Mr Kishore Kumar Patel Item No.5: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No.142/6, Cad. No.466, Plot No.5 in total extent of 1822Sq.Ft. (Measuring East-West on the Northern Side 33.5Ft., on the Southern Side 34.5Ft., and North-South on the Eastern Side 50.5 Ft., on the Western side 58 Ft) and covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot North of Land in R.S.No.142/7, West of: Plot No.6, South of: 20 Ft Road. Item No.6: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry No.4, Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No.142/6, Cad. No.466, Plot No.4 in total extent of 1822 Sq.Ft. (Measuring East-West on the Northern Side 33Ft., on the Southern Side 48.5Ft., and North-South on the Eastern Side 58 Ft., on the Western side 39 Ft) and covered by following boundaries: East of: Vaikkal, North of Canal and Land in R.S.No. 142/7, West of: Plot No.5, South of: Street. Item No.7: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Oulgaret sub Registration District, Oulgaret Municipal Limit, Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, as per document at Near Bharathi Nagar, R.S.No. 142/6, following boundaries: East of: Plot No.5, North of: Land in R.S.No. 142/7, West of: Cad. No.466, Plot No.6 in total extent of 1822 Sq.Ft.and covered by Land in R.S.No.142/11, South of: New Street. Total extent of 5466 Sq.ft. Property belongs to Mr.N Jeethendra Patel