Indian Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Komarasamypatti, Salem
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 1,00,03,000
Contact Details :
Contact Telephone: 044-2829 1622/2126
Property 1: Owner I Basheera, I. Imran Khan and I. Amrin Sulthana (All Legal Heirs of Late T Imitiaz Ali Khan). Sale Deed in Komarasamypatti Village, Salem Taluk and District bearing Plot No.1085/1999. All that piece and parcel of land with building thereon No.33. Shanthi Nagar measuring 1750 Sq. ft. comprised in Resurvey No. 216, in Layout Approval No. 177/1995, Document No.: Sale deed No. 1085/1999, Area: 1750 Sq. ft. Measuring-East to West on the Northern side: 35 feet. East to West on the Southern side: 35 feet, North to South on the Eastern side: 50 feet, North to South on the Western side: 50 feet. Within the Sub-Registration District of Salem West and in the Registration District of Salem. Prior Encumbrances on property: Nil. PROPERTY ID No.: IDIB6403473239