Canara Bank Auctions for Land in Athoor, Dindigul
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 1,00,20,000
Contact Details :
Contact Ph: 044 2665 1314/25322410
(Property in the name of Mr. Zakir Hussain) All that piece and parcel of vacant land situated at Palayamkottai Village, Athoor SRO, Dindigul district, comprised in Item No.: 1: S.No. 45/1A, the land measuring Hec 0.09.0-22 cents with usual pathway rights. Boundaries: North: Lands belongs to Pechiamnal & others, South: Lands belongs to Saravanan & Duraipandi, East: Land belongs to Raja, West Land belongs to Saravanan. Item No.: 2: S. No. 46/1, the land measuring Hec 0.30.0-74 cents, S.No. 46/4, the land measuring Hec 0.04.0-10 cents, S.No. 46/5, the land measuring Hec 0.01.0-2.5 cents. S.No. 71/1F, the land measuring Hec 0.03.0-7.5 cents. In total Hec 0.38.094 cents with usual pathway rights. Boundaries: North Batiagundu main Road, South Lands belongs to Saravanan & Mookan, East: Land belongs to Alagumalai, West: Odai. The property lies within the jurisdiction of Office of Athoor Sub Registrar Office.