Union Bank of India Auctions for Plot in Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 3,73,000
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 37,30,000
Contact Details :
Contact Person & Contact No: Mr. Bimal Sukumar.A, Chief Manager, Mobile No.97694 79168 Mobile: 8369578740.
7) In Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk in Bogampatti Village, in S. F No: 24 an extent of 13.93 acres in this an extent of 4 acres, in this an extent of 3.77 % acres laid out into house sites and named as "Iswarya Garden" and approved in DTCP No: 156/2009, in this the Site No: 45 within the following Boundaries and Measurements: North of 23 feet wide east west layout road, East of Site No: 44, South of Site No: 46, West of North South Panchayat Road. In this measuring on, North, east-west 44 feet, South, East-west 42 feet, East, North-South 52 1½ feet, West, North-South 52 feet. In this the land measuring an extent of 2247 sq. ft. or 5 cents 69 sq. ft or 208.75 sq. mtr., with a house thereon, with all rights of way and other appurtenances attached therewith. The above site lies within present sub divided S.F No: 24/3A. The above property is in the name of Mr M S Bharath Kumar