Canara Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Bargur, Krishnagiri
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 57,89,000
Contact Details :
Contact Mob: 7904115960/JAGADEVIPALAYAM BRANCH, Cell: 80122-08878
Part and Parcel of Land and Building as described below: Factory Property situated in Krishnagiri registration District, Bargur Sub Registration. Dist, Bargur Taluk, in Kondappanayanapali Vilage, 1. S.No. 19/3820 measuring an extent of 74 cents in which Factory Shed is available with building 209.89 Sq meter. Boundaries: East of land of Mr. Muthukumaran West of land of Mr. Muthukumaran and Road North of Land of Mrs. Pushpa and Mrs. Sangeetha South of land of Mrs. Pushpa 2. S.No. 19/343 measuring an extent of 26 cents in which common path way to access the Factory Shed. Boundaries: East of land in S.No. 18/4A West of Land in S. No. 19/382 North and South of land of Mr. Ganapathy Inclusive of mamool way rights.