UNITY SMALL FINANCE BANK LIMITED Auctions for Commercial Property in Shabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 19,02,480
Branch Name
:Corporate Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 1,90,24,800
Contact Details :
Mr. Ajay Kumar Punna Mobile No. 9908755477
All That Piece And Parcel Of Property Bearing H.no. 2-10/12 (PTI No. 1260511956), On Plot Nos. 10 & 12. In Survey No. 4 & 5. Total Admeasuring 312.00 Square Yards. Equivalent To 260.8 Sq. Mtrs.. Situated At Gandhamguda Village. Now Under Bandlaguda Jagir Municipality Gandipet, Mandal, Ranga Redddy District, T.s., Plinth Area Totally 3870 Sq. Fts. (roc) Boundaries (as Per Mortgage Document) North: Plot No. 6&7. South: Neighbour's Land. East: Neighbour's Land. West: 20-0' Wide Road