Debts Recovery Tribunal Auctions for Land in Baramati, Pune
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 55,20,000
Contact Details :
Mobile No : 9423007552
All that piece and parcel of land bearing Gat No. 380, admeasuring about 10H338+PK OH. 12 Ria. Total 10H 458 out of Which land admeasuring about 02H 40 Ralong with Grape Craden/Orchard coming within the division Pune Sub Dreision and Tal Baramati and within the limits of Sub registrar Baramali at Village Magarwadi, Tal Baramati Det. Pune and Bounded as under-East: Get No. 381, 300, 385 to 390 South Root. West Gat No. 378 North: Boundary of Modhave Village (Owned by CD No. 5) Out of this land admeasuring 240R along with Grape Garden having following Boundaries-East: Gat No. 301,306,285 300 South: Road, West: Gat No. 379. North: Boundary of Modhave Village (Lot-2