SHIKSHA FINANCIAL SERVICES INDIA (P) LIMITED Auctions for Land And Building in Ponnamaravathy, Pudukkottai
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 12,53,538
Branch Name
Service Provider
:Public Auction
Reserve Price : ₹ 1,25,35,384
Contact Details :
Ph: 044-61916600
All that piece and parcel of land and building situated at Varpettu Village, Ponnamaravathy Taluk, Pudukottai District, comprised in survey No. 455/6 new survey No. 455/68, measuring an extent of 103 cents or 0.41.5 Ares and being bounded on North by-Manimuthu Punjai land, South by Punjai land belongs Amalanayagi and Krishnan, East by-Poosari Vahaiyara Punjai, to West by-South to North Road. In all measuring of about 103 cents or 0.41.5 ares together with building erected thereon lying within the Varpattu Village. Ponnamaravathy Taluk, Pudukottai District within the Sub Registration District of Karaikudi together with all buildings and structures attached to earth both present and future and all easamentary/mamool rights annexed thereto.