Punjab National Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Budbud, Purba Bardhaman
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,13,000
Branch Name
:Circle Sastra Centre, Bardhaman, Burdwan
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 11,30,000
Contact Details :
Raj Kishore Sahoo (AGM) Mob: 797866-4055.
All the piece and parool of land & structure situated at Mouza Sudal, JL. No 37 within the limit of Budbud Gram Panchyet. LR Katain No 4605 LR Plot No 509, Dist-Purba bardhaman, Measuring area 2.75 satak registered in the name of Mr. Soumen Mondal So Uday y Chand Mondal being Sale Deed No 152 of the year 1990. Constructive Possession