Union Bank of India Auctions for Land And Building in P.S.- Khandaghosh, Purba Bardhaman
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,98,200
Branch Name
:Regional Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 29,82,000
Contact Details :
Contact Person: Sri Sanjay S. Tudu-79059 55869
Property 1: All the piece and parcel of immovable property bearing vide J.L. No. 75. LR Kh. No. 12, RS & LR Plot No. 733, Bastu Area-3.416 Decimal and RS & LR Plot No. 734 Area 1.66 Decimal along with two storied pucca building, in the name of Nasiruddin Mondal and the same is Bounded On: North- House of Mosburand Sadrea Alam Mondal, South Vaccant Land of Abdur Rahim, East-6 Feet Wide Common Path and House of Chand And;
Property 2: All the piece and parcel of immovable property bearing vide J.L. No. 75, LR Kh. Nos. 859 & 858, RS & LR Plot No. 733 Bastu, Area 01 Decimal along with two storied pucca building, area-more or less 01 Decimal along with two storied pucca building, in the name of Nasiruddin Mondaland Sahabuddin Mondal and the same is Bounded On: North House of Mosburand Sadrea Alam Mondal, South - Vaccant Land of Abdur Rahim, East-6 Feet Wide Common Path and House of Chand; Total Area 6.076 Decimal, but construction area is 1716 Sq.ft..Land under Sagrai Gram Panchayat, Mouza Keudia, P.S. - Khandaghosh, Dist - Purba Bardhaman.