Union Bank of India Auctions for Flat in Nayabad, Kolkata
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,60,700
Branch Name
:Regional Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 16,07,000
Contact Details :
Contact Person: Uday Pandey-9643994355/9354525335
All the piece and parcel of Flat being No. B-3 on the Third Floor, Measuring about 609 Sq. ft. super built up area together with undivided proportionate share of land measuring about 2 Cottah 9 Chittacks 10 Sq. ft. be the same little more or less which is lying and situated at Mouza - Nayabad, Pargana Khaspur, J. L. No. 25, Touzi No. 56, R. S. No. 3, Dag Nos. 194, 196, 197 and 205, being Municipal Premises No. 2921, Nayabad, P. S. - Purba Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700094, District - South 24 Pargana within the ambit of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Ward No. 109, in the name of Sujan Samaddar. Boundaries of the Land: North- Plot No. 40, South-Road, East-Road, West-Road. Boundaries of the Flat: North-Open to Sky, South- Open to Sky, East-Flat of Mr. Anjan (Flat No-A3), West-Open to Sky.