Union Bank of India Auctions for House in CENTRAL DOON, Dehradun
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,67,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Assets Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 16,70,000
Contact Details :
Contact No : Tel. No. 0172-2721096, Mob. No. 94246-21889, 87095-83732, 99965-40740, 78374-25000, 99719-90597, Email: ubin0578711@unionbankofindia.bank
All the part and parcel of Residential property/house comprised in land bearing part of Khasra No. 171 Ka/15 in land area 100.37 sq Mtrs. out of which tin shade covered area 44.60 sq. Mtrs. Situated at Mauza Kaulagarh, Pargana Central Doon, Tehsil Sadar Distt. Dehradun. Owned by Smt. Mehrunisha W/o Shri Irfan D/o Late Deen Mauhammad R/o 620/1 Shalimar Colony, Ambala City, Haryana vide Gift Deed No 12480 Dated 07.11.2019. Bounded by: East: 4 Feet wide Road Measuring 24 Feet, West: Property of Others Side measuring 24 Feet, North: Property of Others Side measuring 45 Feet, South: Property of Others Side measuring 45 Feet, CERSAI Id: Asset Id: 200055813706. Security Id: 400055546861 (Type of Possession: Symbolic Possession).