Canara Bank Auctions for Plot in Namagiripettai, Namakkal
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 8,80,000
Branch Name
:Regional Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 88,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact: 9489045876, 9489962897,9487027292
SL.No.6: Tite Holder of this property is Mr. Kumaravel Item No.1: All mat part and parcel of the property situated in Namakkal Registration District, Namagiripettai Sub-RD, Rasipuram Taluk. The. Jedarpatayan Village with an extent of Punjai Hec.1.35.00 measuring 3.34 Acres of land in 5.No 58/101 assessment Rs 7.51 Full with four poultry sheds. With one tied farm house with S. C no 41359. Boundaries: Borth of lands of Maharajan, South of lands of Ravichandran, East of lands of Maharajan, West of North-South common pathway. Item No.2: Al maf part and parcel of the property situated in Namakkal Registration District, Namagripetta Sub-HD. Rasipuram Taluk The Jedarpalayam Vitage with an exdent of Punjal Hec. 0.03.14 measuring 0.08 Acres of land in S.No 58/102 assessment Rs 4.00 Fut-with ith one oneg poultry shed. Boundaries: North of tem 1, South of item 1, East of item 1, West af tom 1. Item No.3: All that part and parcel of the property situated in Namakkal Registration District, Namaginpetta Sub-RD, Rasipuram Taluk, Tho, Jedarpalayam Village with an extent of Purijal Hec. 0.02.40 measuring 0.06 Acres of land in S.No 58/1C3 assessment Ro.3.00 Full-with one poultry shed Boundaries: North of Lands of Maharajan, Seuth of lem 1, East of Item 1, West of em 1. Rem No.4: All that part and parcel of the property situated in Namakkal Registration District, Narragiripettai Sub-RD, Rasipuram Taluk, Tho. Jedarpalayam Vilage with an extent of Punjai Hec. 0.04.00 measuring 8.05 Acres of land in S.No 58/14 assessment Ps 7.51 Full-with one well, with 7.5H PEMP set. 5.C. No. 165, in this common share only Boundaries: North of Lands of Maharajan, South of SFNo.58/18 Belongs to Ravi, East of SFNo.58/18 Belongs to Ra, West of 12th width North-South Common pathway Total Extent 2.34+0.08+0.06 +0.053.53 Acres along with poultry shed and other building constructed thereon Meter, Deposit, common usual rights, compound wall, water facilities, pathway and all easement rights. Encumberances: There are 2 encumberances over this property