Canara Bank Auctions for Plot in Kumarapalayam Amani, Namakkal
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,42,000
Branch Name
:Regional Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 14,20,000
Contact Details :
Contact: 9489045748, 9489962897,9487027292
S1.No.2: Al that part and admeasuring 862Sq. Ft, comprised in SF No.46/3, Re.S.F. No 45/3A, bearing Patta No.2465, situated at "Mehra Nagar-2", Pallakkapalayam Village, within Pailakkapalayam Panchayat limit, Kumarapatayam Tatuk, within Sub parcel of the immovable property viz, Plot No, 194 Registration District of Kumarapalayam, in Registration District tof Namakkal Bounded by: On the West by-S.F.No.45, On Ont the East by-20 ft width layout road, On the South South by by Plot No 193, On the North by-Plot No. 195. Extent: 862 Soft-East to West: 1:35 ft (On the North) East to West: 34 ft (On the South), North to South: 25 ft (Onthe East) & North to South: 25 ft (On the West) With all easement rights