Indian Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Kumarasamypatty village, Salem
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:₹ 3,92,000
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Reserve Price : ₹ 39,19,000
Contact Details :
contact no:044-28291622/2126
Property 2: Owner Name -Mr. P. Arjunan. Sale Deed 2411/2005. All that piece and parcel of land with building thereon situated in Mitta S. No.173/3, (as per Tax Receipt No.68/1. Thiruvalluvar Salai), present S. No. 173/4, Kumarasamipatti Village, Salem Taluk and District measuring an extent of 1244 Sq. ft. Document No.: Sale Deed No.2411/2005, Area: 1244 Sq. ft. Measuring-East to West on the Northem side 22.25 feet, East to West on the Southern side: 24.75 feet, North to South on the Eastern side: 53.25 feet, North to South on the Western side: 51.5 feet. Prior Encumbrances on property: Nil. PROPERTY ID No.: IDIB64034732398