State Bank of India Auctions for Land in woraiyur, Tiruchirappalli
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 4,70,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 47,00,000
Contact Details :
Mobile No:9310850535/ 9790218855
Property ID No. SBIN90071035225R-Doc No.1146 of 2020 dt.21.02.2020 in the name of Shri. S. Ramesh, S/o. Sri. Shanmugam, Tiruchirapalli District and Registration District, Woraiyur Sub Registration District, Srirangam Taluk, Uyyakondan Thirumalai Village in total extent of 2107 sq.ft. out of Ac.0.21 Cents bearing Old S.F.No.51/1, Sub Division S.F.No.51/18, 51/1C for which New Ward "J", Block No. 15. T.S.No. 100 and formed as a layout into housing plots and named as "Selvam Nagar Extention" and Plot No.100 is situated within the following Boundaries: North by: Property belongs to Prema Shanmugam extent of 1885 sq.ft., South by: Public Pathway, East by: Property belongs to Shanmugam, Raj Fernand, Latha, West by: Plot No.99. Measurements: East to West 32 15 feet on North side, East to West 38 feet on South side, North to South 60 feet on West side in total 2107 sq.ft. of property with all usual pathway rights, easement rights relating thereto. The above property is comprised within the Selvam Nagar, Uyyakondan Thirumalai Village and Srirangam Taluk