Tumkur Grain Merchant's Co-operative Bank Auctions for Land in Aramanenagar, Bengaluru
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,63,33,300
Branch Name
:Tumkur, Karnataka
Service Provider
:Public Auction
Reserve Price : ₹ 26,33,33,000
Contact Details :
Authorised Officer Mob: 9880882881, 9449027476
All that part and parcel of the Residential property bearing Municipal New No: 13(Old No: 296) and its PID No: 99-15-13 situated at 16th Cross, Sadashivanagar, Ward No:99 of Aramane Nagar, Bangalore and the property Measuring East To West 90 feet and North To South 57 feet and totally measuring 5130 sq feet and building there on, bounded on: East property bearing No: 283, West: 16th cross Road, North: property bearing No: 295, South property bearing No: 297