Omkara Assets Reconstruction Pvt Ltd Auctions for Commercial Shop in Kamrej, Surat
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 18,00,000
Branch Name
:Corporate Office : Mumbai
Service Provider / C1 India
Reserve Price : ₹ 1,80,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact Mobile: +91 9173670406 | Board: +91 22 69231111
1. All that property bearing shop no. 7 on the ground & Basement floor admeasuring 54.84 so mtrs. Bultup area Alongwith 21.25 sq.mtrs. Undivided share in the land of 'Kristina Residency, Building No. A/4 situated at Block No. 460/B admeasuring 28616 sq.mtrs, paiki plot no. 156 of Mouje village Kholwad Taluka:- Kamrej, District:- Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah. East- Parking of Flat West:-NH-8 North: Shop No. 6South:- Shop No. 8 2. All that property beaning shop no. 8 on the ground floor admeasuring 55 26 sq. mts. Builtup area Alongwith 21.41 sq.mars undivided share in the land of "Krishna Residency, Building No. A/4 Situated at Block No. 460/B admeasuring 28616 sq.mtrs, paiki plot no. 156 of Mouje village Kholwad Taluka-Kamrej, District:-Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah East: Flat Parking West:-NH-8 North: Shop No. 7South: Shop No. 9 3. All that property bearing shop no. 9 on the ground floor & Basement floor admeasuring 45.20 sq. mtrs. Buitup area Alongwith 17.51 sq.mirs undivided share in the land of "Krishna Residency, Building No. Ai4 situated at Block No. 460/B admeasuring 28616 sq mirs. Paiki Plot no 156 of Mouje village Kholwad Taluka:- Kamrej, District:- Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah. East- Lift of Flat West-NH-8 North: Shop No. 8South- Shop No. 10 4. All that property bearing shop no. 10 on the ground floor & Basement floor admeasuring 44.34 sq. mtrs. Builtup area Alongwith 17.18 sq.mirs undivided share in the land of "Krishna Residency Building No. A/4 situated at Block No. 460/8 admeasuring 28616 sq.mtrs. paik plot no. 156 of Mouje Village Kholwad Taluka:-Kamrej. District-Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah. East- Stair of FlatWest:-NH-8 North: Shop No. 9South: Shop No. 11 5. All that property bearing shop no. 11 on the ground floor & Basement floor admeasuring 51.48 sq mitrs. Builtup area Alongwith 19.95 sq.mtrs undivided share in the land of "Krishna Residency Building No. A/4 situated at Block No. 460/B armeasuring 28616 sq.mtrs, pale plot no. 156 of Mouje village Kholwad Taluka: Kamres, District:- Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah. East- Stair of FlatWest-NH-8 North:-Shop No. 10South-Shop No. 12 6. All that property bearing shop no. 12 on the ground floor & Basement floor admeasuring 54.24 sq. mirs. Built up area Alongwith 21.01 sq.mtrs undivided share in the land of "Krishna Residency, Building No. A/4 situated at Block No. 460-8 admeasuring 28616 sq.mtrs. paiki plot no. 156 of Mouje village Kholwad Taluka:- Kamrej, District:- Surat owned by Tushar Rajnikant Shah. East- Parking of Flat West:-NH-8 North: Shop No. 11South-Building No. B
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