Bank of Maharashtra Auctions for Plant & Machinery in Chandur Bazar, Amravati
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 8,47,000
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 84,70,000
Contact Details :
Contact No : Mr. Kaushal Kishor Branch Manager, Mob no. 7083208097
7) Plant and Machinery of Ginning and Pressing unit on Survey No. 33/1/A at Boraj Tq. Chandur Bazar, Dist. Amravati . i)tractor john deer ii) weigh bridge iii) jadhav delux DR gin machine iv) jadhav automatic bailing press v) belt conveyor with electric motor 5 HP vi) belt conveyor with 3 HP electric motor vii) central trolly feeding system viii) intermittent lint suction system ix) lint cleaner unit x)inclined lint belt conveyor xi) lint slopper for press xii) cotton seed lint conveyor xiii)cotton seed cross conveyor & bucket elevator xiv) power distribution system xv) electric motors for press xvi) electrification, MCC, cables, lugs, etc xvii) misc. items xviii) firefighting system hri Kamlesh Sundarlal Patel,Shri.Sushant Subhashrao Kokate and Shri Ashish Sahebrao Kokate | Type of possession - Physcial