Bank of India Auctions for Land And Building in Belghoria, Kolkata
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 3,74,300
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 37,43,000
Contact Details :
contact Mr. Abinash Sahu (+91-8249328547) or Mrs. Kumari Shilpi (+91-9031157636)
2) All that part & parcel of immovable property comprising plot & land measuring 1 cottha 08 Chittaks with two storied building measuring about 1780 sq.ft standing thereon lying and situated under Mouza Belghoria, J.L No-03, Touzi-1513. R.S-No-17 comprised in C.S & R.S Dag no-1861 under C.S- Khatian No-1093 corresponding to R.S Khatian No-2507, Within the limit of the Kamarhati Municipality, Ward no-20. under holding no-5, in the name of Mr. Raja Biswas, Under Deed No-1 14637/2021