Punjab National Bank Auctions for Plot in Hosur, Krishnagiri
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 7,35,000
Branch Name
:Circle Sastra Centre
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 73,50,000
Contact Details :
Authorized Officer Phone No: 0422-2231314, 0422-2231345
Property in the name of Shri B. Vidyaranya In Krishnagiri Registration District, Hosur Sub-Registration District, Hosur Taluk, Nallur Village Panchayat and Union Council of Hosur, SF No.847, Dry Extent Hec. 0.79.5, Ac.1.96, Asstt. Rs.1.71 and other adjacent lands have been converted into a layout, under the name and style "TREND CITY, PHASE-I' comprising various house sites, out of this the house site bearing:- PLOT No.21: Measuring an area of 2000 square feet and situated within the following Boundaries: On the Eastern side Plot No. 20; On the Western side - Plot No. 24; On the Northern side - Plot No.22 & On the Southern side - 30 feet Road and situated with in the following Boundaries: East to West on the Northern side-40 feet, East to West on the Southern side 40 feet, North to South on the Eastern side 50 feet & North to South on the Western side-50 feet. PLOT No.22: Measuring an area of 707 square feet and situated within the following Boundaries: On the Eastern side Plot No. 20; On the Western side - Plot No. 23;0n the Northern side - Private Land & On the Southern side - Plot No.21 and situated within the following Boundaries: East to West on the Northern side-42 feet, East to West on the Southern side 40 feet, North to South on the Eastern side-12.9 feet & North to South on the Western side 21.9 feet. The above property has been extended to the limits/advances sanctioned to M/s. RV Information Technologies & M/s. Sri Sai Constructions which are also in NPA Category. Latitude and Longitude Coordinates: 12.45598 N, 77.49529 E