The Mangalore Catholic Co-Operative Bank Ltd Auctions for Non- Agricultural Land in Permannur, Mangalore
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,30,00,000
Branch Name
Service Provider / C1 India
Reserve Price : ₹ 23,00,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact Mob. 9900711744
Non Agricultural Immovable converted properties situated in Padumarnadu Village of Mangalore Taluk (Formerly in Karkala Taluk) and comprised in Survey No. 119-P2-p1 measuring 2 Acre, 2 Acre & 4.25 Acre, repectively, total of 8.25 Acres (out of which 2003 Sq.mtrsjaround 50 cents) notified acquisition by NHAI containing Building bearing D. No. 3-25 & RCC Building cottages (16 Nos.) and with all contents including the right of way, water, etc and all other mamool and easementary rights appurtenant thereto Boundaries: North: Portion of the same Survey No. South: Portion of the same Survey No. East: Portion of the same Survey No. & Survey line, West: Portion of the same Survey No. & Survey line